Dear Incoming Parents of Students in 3K and Pre-k,

As we prepare for the upcoming school year, I would like to share with you some reminders, information, and updates regarding our prekindergarten programs. Pre-k orientation will take place via zoom on Wednesday evening, September 8. You will receive an invitation by email from your child’s teacher on Tuesday, September 7th. School for Pre-k will begin on Thursday, September 9, at 9:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m. Students in Pre-k A and D will enter through the doors adjacent to the lobby. Students in Pre-k B and C will enter through the doors closest to 30th avenue.

3K orientation will take place on Thursday evening, September 9. You will receive a zoom invitation from your child’s teacher on Tuesday. School will begin for 3K students on Friday, September 10, at 9:15 a.m. and end at 11:15 a.m. Students in 3KA will enter and be dismissed through the far door at the top of the small metal staircase on the left in the parking lot on 43 Street. Students in 3KB will enter from the far door on the right side of the parking lot. Further explanation regarding arrival and dismissal will be provided to you during orientation.

Students’ temperatures will be taken and logged before entering the building. There will also be a form that needs to be filled out by parents prior to coming to school on September 9. This form will be emailed to you. Please complete the form and email it back to me or send it in with your child on Thursday September 9. We ask that children and parents stand outside socially distanced at arrival and dismissal. We ask you to please be patient as this is a new experience for everyone, and it may take a few days until a routine is developed.

Monday, September 13, will be the first full day for pre-k students. For Pre-k, arrival will be at 8:05 a.m. and dismissal will be at 2:25 p.m. For 3K, arrival will be at 8:10 a.m., and dismissal at 2:30 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for students daily. However, those who wish to send lunch from home may do so in a lunch box clearly labeled with your child’s name. Further information regarding food, rest time, and emergency change of clothing will be provided by your child’s teacher during orientation.

On Thursday, your child will receive an emergency card in his/her folder. Please make sure to fill it out and return it to school the following day. It is essential that these be returned by Friday September 10, in order to ensure the safety of the students. If your child has any health issues or allergies to foods, please be sure to inform your child’s teacher as soon as possible.

If you have not yet submitted your child’s application with proof of address and copy of birth certificate, please be sure to do so no later than Thursday, September 9.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. We are looking forward to welcoming our new students to the St. Joseph Catholic Academy community.

Best Regards,
Lucy Alaimo
Director of Early Childhood Programs