Written by Anne-Marie Cullinane


Each new year is like a blank page, a fresh start. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions… eat better, work out more, go to bed earlier, study more, spend less money, watch less tv, do more fun things with family and friends…What have you decided to do in 2018?

Over the years, I have failed miserably with most of my New Year’s resolutions, so I stopped making them. I used to tell myself that I had no willpower, that I lacked the discipline to stick with them. In truth, they felt like another set of rules that created additional stress in my life.

Three years ago there was a lot going on in my life that forced me to be brave and make some really big decisions, both professionally and personally. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions that year, I decided instead to choose three words that would help guide me. One of those words was courage. I needed to be brave and to step outside of my comfort zone and do things in spite of my fears, and all of the monkey chatter inside of my brain!

Choosing a word is a great way to set a positive intention for yourself as 2018 unfolds. Rather than impose another set of rules and restrictions on yourself, choose a word that resonates with you and where you are in your life right now. It can help empower and guide you. What do you need more of (or less of) in the year ahead?

The word will come to you when you least expect it. Give yourself a little quiet time to reflect on the year that has passed and the new year that is on the horizon. One of the words that I’ve chosen for 2018 is joy. This word will guide me as I try to live a more authentic and joyful life this year. Be a little creative, and have fun choosing your word for 2018!


Miss Anne-Marie