Dear Students and Parents,

As we come to the end of another school year, we would like to take the opportunity to help those that are less fortunate. Starting in September, the seventh grade will begin their journey of preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. What better way to prepare than to remind ourselves our responsibility as Christians to serve others.

The seventh grade is organizing a FOOD & TOILETRY DRIVE from May 29 to June 5, 2019. We will be collecting food and toiletries which we will be donating to the needy families of the Hour Children Charity Organization who also help needy families of Saint Rita’s Parish in Long Island City.

Students can bring in their donations on any day between May 29th and June 5th. In order to have a fair and varied amount of goods, we ask that all A classes donate toiletries and all B classes collect food, while Nursery are asked to donate toiletries or food.

The following are some examples of each:

canned soup
canned sauce
canned meat/fish
canned vegetables/ fruit
carnation milk
crackers/bread crumbs
cake/muffin mix or sugar

shampoo & conditioner
tooth brush & tooth paste
soap & body wash
feminine products
deodorant & toilet paper
razors & tweezers
baby wipes & cotton swabs
Tissues, Q-tips
combs, brushes

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation. We wish you and your family a wonderful summer!

The Seventh Graders